Dr. Ziya Saylan, Plastic Surgery
Quttainah Specialized Hospital, Dubai
+971 4 511 8888 or (800) 888 882





Botulinum toxin (Botox) is a protein that binds to the nerve endings of the muscle where it's injected. Once attached, it keeps that muscle from being stimulated. In other words it temporarily paralyzes the muscle. Keeping those muscles from moving keeps forehead, frown and crow's feet lines from appearing. After 90 to 150 days your body breaks down the Botox and the muscles work normal again.
For example, when the muscles that attach to the skin in the area of forehead, between the eyebrows and around the eyes are not able to contract, including the frown lihes, all the wrinkles will diminish. We are improving our results with microdermabrasion and chemical peels which gives the skin a moe healthy condition.
Botox is most commonly injected into the forehead, between the eyebrows and in the area outside the eyes. Less common sites of injections are the upper lips (smoker lines), chin (witch chin) and axillary region by excess sweating.
Botox shows maximum effectiveness in seven days. If you feel like you have still too much muscle movement after eight days you should return to us for another (free) injection. This is normal since Botox is injected blind into the muscle and may not hit the tissue everytime. This is so called "Touch up".