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Hidden Scar Posterior Neck Lift with GORETEX Neck Sling

The incisions for the posterior neck lift are behind the ears, on the hairline. The neck muscles and the skin are pulled separately. The Platysma and the fascia are pulled and sutured to the mastoid bone. This will improve the skin condition of the anterior neck.


Dr Saylan performs a technique where the submental and submandibular areas are liposuctioned. Through a postauricular incision close to the hairline, behind the ears and the whole neck is undermined down to the fossa jugularis.


The platysma and fascia colli will be treated separately from the skin of the neck and sutured to the mastoid of the occipital bone so that proper traction on the skin of the neck and the underlying muscles can be applied. The posterior neck lift can  correct the aging neck by this technique and is useful  in patients who wish to avoid a full face lift operation. 


This technique also elevates the submental region together with the platysma and corrects problems that often can rise following neck liposuction alone. The posterior neck lift can be combined with “the serial platysma notching¹” and the “ePTFE neck sling”. The major advantages of this technique are fewer complications, nearly imperceptible scars behind the ears and close to the hairline, without any preauricular scars, short  recovery time, and lower costs.


A submental liposculpting of the neck and a facelift will not be able to eliminate skin folds and the wrinkles of the lower half of the anterior neck  alone. In the past, cosmetic surgeons have been performing facelifts and performing secondary facelifts to improve their neck results.


The advantages of the posterior neck lift are avoidance of preauricular and postauricular visible scars. There is minimal hair loss because the  incision is along the hairline.

The “Neck Sling” suspensiontechnique is an excellent option for the patient in early ages whose primary signs of aging have occurred under the chin and the submandibular area. It is also a good excellent choice for a patient for a patient who has undergone a previous face lift with an unsatisfactory result at the level of the cervico-mental angle and the mandibular border (Secondary rhytidectomy).


For many patients, the problem is excess fat under the jawline, which creates what we call as “Turkey Gobbler”. Sometimes the problem is not the fat but droopy skin and submandibular glands hanging down under the jaw. 


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