Dr. Ziya Saylan, Plastic Surgery
Quttainah Specialized Hospital, Dubai
+971 4 511 8888 or (800) 888 882

S-Face Lift (S-Lift)
Many patients want to have a happy and younger face without actually having a big operation. The S-Facelift (The Short Facelift) , which is an invention of Dr. Ziya Saylan uses a short scar slightly in front and behind the ears. It is safe and heals faster than the other conventional facelifts. This kind of Mini-Facelift includes a better muscle tightening and eliminates the neck skin sagginess if you are in younger ages. We are also qualified to perform Standard facelifts in elderly patients.
To determine whether this kind of mini facelift is right for you, ask us for a consultation and a free computer simulation.
S-Lift is a procedure where the soft tissue under the facial skin is plicated like a purse string and fixed to the cheek bone with “U” and “O” formed sutures, a deep dissection is not necessary. The suspension achieved is much more stable compared to conventional facelifts. The S-Lift is a safe, short scar, quick and a simple procedure with effective results suitable for younger patients with very satisfactory aesthetic results. Complication rates and recovery times are low. The procedure limits scarring and gives a more natural look than standard facelifts. The proper combination of less invasive procedures in younger patients can provide results equal to more traditional techniques often with less scaring, short recovery time and more natural results. Part of the aging process is gravity but much of aging is atrophy.
Saylan facelifts (S-Facelifts) have shorter scars and quicker recovery time. Surgery is often combined with neck liposuction and buccal fat extraction.
It is performed under Local anesthesia and Sedation. Average time of surgery is 2-3 hrs, recovery in 10 -14 days, usually minimal bruising and swelling, moderate pain for several days. The hidden scars are behind the ears. Patients look rested, fresher, younger, often like they lost weight, but totally natural. A well performed face and neck lift usually lasts 6-8 years or longer.
Advantages of this method include decrease in bruising and swellingand less facial nerve injury. A natural look of the face without any deformities is achieved by direct pull of the face upwards and to the side instead of rotation ends up. A wind-tunnel face is not possible after an S-Lift. For patients who undergo a facelift for the second or third time, this procedure achieves excellent results.
We haven’t observed any specific disadvantage of these three different S-Lift techniques. Aesthetic Facial surgery is a continuing frontier, and the S-Lift with limited skin and SMAS dissection often demonstrates that less can yield more. This procedure is not for every patient and is probably not for those who want a face “As tight as possible”.
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